
Monday, 7 December 2020



Welcome back to my blog! Today I'm gonna be showing you a school advertisement I made with my friends. In Cybersmart we have been learning about advertising. We discussed what we were going to film for our School advertisement. We went around the school and filmed clips of unique parts of our school.

There were multiple clips that were filmed to choose from so we made a wevideo! I inserted specific clips that we liked. We added a audio to make it more entertaining! 

Here is the advertisement:

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post :)

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Christmas in Denmark

Hi! In RE we're learning about how Christmas is celebrated around the world. A slideshow was made with different countries to learn about. I researched about the different countries, and chose Denmark. Denmark during Christmas looked interesting to me. I researched deeper about Christmas in Denmark. I made a DLO (Slideshow) and did different topics about Christmas in Denmark. 

Here is my DLO:

I hope you learnt something about Christmas in Denmark! 
Thank you for reading!

Monday, 23 November 2020

Fake News

Hello! You might have seen my other post about my news article! This post relates to the media topic as well. The task was to create a fake news site on a google drawing. We learnt about fake links and real links. These links could mean that the news on the site is not real, or is fake. I created a DLO and made and imported a fake link. I made my topic about a UFO siting. I didn't write that much because I thought the picture would still hook in the reader.

Here is my fake news:

I hope you enjoyed this, thank you for reading! Bye:)


Cybersmart - Article

 Hi! In cyber smart I've been learning about media. There are many different type of medias. For example, News Paper, Build boards, Mobile devises, and so many more. There were videos to watch that were about media, and information we had to read. Once we gathered information about media, there was a task to create an article about something, my article was about the walk to camp. I used google drawing to create my article, as I added fake links to make it look realistic, and comments!

Here is my article:

Thank you for reading! Have a good day :)

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Camp Ballads

 Hi! In class we've been learning and writing ballads. We studied on ballads in class and then we had a task. The task was to make a ballad about camp! camp was a fun moment for me, so I had so many ideas. I was meant to write one ballad, but I wrote many more because my mind was filled with ideas. I had a few topics from camp that I wrote in a ballad.

Check out my ballads:

a  A light was revealed.
a  As a body lied on the ground with eyes peeled open.
    It was Celine, flashing a torch on the ground.
b  With the torch shining on her face, with a spine-chilling spook,
b  While a ghostly look rested on her face.

a  She stood up petrifyingly with a concealed shadow.

a  It was late at night, playing spotlight,

a  Until I saw a blink of a light.

b  A seeker was revealed,

b  As the hiders squealed.

a  Sitting silently, with not a peek of sound in the moonlight.

a  It was silent in the room,
a  As Celine and Fria had a boost of energy like sonic boom.

b  Late at night,
b  Without a peek of light.
a  A sight of doom rested in the sky.

a  It was early in the morning, as I stared out of the window in the hall,
a  The windows were dull.
b  I was chatting with denice,
b  As we watched the sun rise.
a It was boiling outside, wishing there were a pool.

Let me know if you enjoyed my ballads! Thanks for reading, bye!

Friday, 23 October 2020


 Hii. In class we learnt about media. We had a small task to create a DLO about the last media we had seen in the last 24 hours! For example, it could be computer media, mobile media, billboards media, and many more medias. For my DLO I used canva, I recently had only been on social media. Which is basically mobile media. 

Here is my DLO:

This was easy to do, because it was a simple task! 


Wednesday, 21 October 2020

The Golden Rule

Hii! Today in class we learnt about "The Golden Rule". The Golden Rule is from Luke 6:31. Which is, "Do to others as you would have them do to you". Our Teacher read Luke 6:27-31. Once we learnt about The Golden Rule, our task was to create a DLO about The Golden Rule. I had to come up with another sentence for The Golden Rule instead of ""Do to others as you would have them do to you". I used book creator for my DLO. 

Here is my DLO:


Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Sacraments | RE


For RE, we've been learning about the sacraments. Once we finished learning about the sacrament strand, our task was to create DLO's about the sacraments of Initiation, Healing, and Commitment. For Initiation, I made my DLO on Canva. For the task we had to explain what the sacraments of Initiation are. For Healing, the task was to create a poster or picture that explains the Grace that we receive through the Sacrament of Healing. Then for Commitment, the task was to create a news paper article about how through out carrying out the responsibilities of their vocation, bishops, priests and deacons demonstrate their commitment, leadership and service to the Church community.

Here is my DLO for Initiation: 

Here's my DLO for Healing:

Now last my DLO for Commitment:

After I finished making my DLO'S. The last task was to create a symbol of one of the sacraments on scratch using coding. It was really hard to learn how to do it but I ended up making a cross for Reconciliation.

Here is my scratch symbol:



Improper fractions to Mixed numbers


For maths my task was to create a DLO about a math strategy! So I chose to do improper fractions to mixed numbers. I used book creator to make mine because I find it easy to use.

On my book creator I had explained my strategy and gave examples!
There is also quiz questions at the end.

Here is my DLO:

Something I enjoyed was learning about the strategy, because we got to learn about it on a creative slide that our teacher Ms Wilton made!

I found it kind of difficult to explain it.

Monday, 21 September 2020

Maori Colours

Kia Ora!

For Maori Language week, my class was learning different topics about maori! For example like, the maori alphabet, maori colours, and other sorts of topics. We had the option to choose a topic, and I chose maori topics. Our task was to make a DLO about the topic we chose. So I chose to make a online book.

On the online book we were creating, I had to teach others about maori colours. So here's my online book teaching others about maori colours:

I hope you learnt some stuff about maori colours!

Something I found easy about this was to learn about it.
I personally don't think I struggled with anything.


Friday, 18 September 2020

My Holiday!

About a week ago, I was at the air port boarding my plane to Gold Coast Australia with my family! It was quite busy at the air port. While we waited for our flight we got some lollies and chips to eat while we were flying.

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Student Summit

Kia Ora! 

In Class, we have been doing the Student Summit! The Student Summit is when different students from schools teach others about how to use site, for example like Scratch, Storyboard, etc. We had 4 sessions with 4 different sites that people were teaching others how to use them. There would be a google meet for each session that students from other schools would teach us about. Once we had finished the sessions, we were told to make a blog post about one of the sessions of our choice. I chose to make a blog post about session 2, which was Storyboard! 

I decided to make a blog post about Storyboard because it was well explained, and easy to use!

For Storyboard, we had to search it up on google. Then when we clicked on the site, we had to log in with our google account. Then when we were all logged in we got to start creating. I pushed the create button, and there was a lot of buttons. The students that were teaching us how to use it, they told us about what each button did. I got to create a pretty cool thing with it. But I didn't save it.

Something I enjoyed was creating stuff because it was easy to use.

The buttons were a little confusing to use, but that's all.


Thursday, 27 August 2020

Pope Inquiry - Popes of the 21st Century

For RE in class, our task was to create a Inquiry about Popes. We had to come up with 3 type of questions for our topic, (Factual Question, Conceptual Question, and a Debatable Question). For my topic I did Popes of the 21st Century. What I did was I came up with those 3 different type of questions for my topic. We had to present our questions as a DLO. So I chose a slideshow.

Here is my presentation:

Something I found hard about the task was coming up with questions, because I couldn't think of any good questions that related to my topic.

Something I found easy to do was research for answers for the questions.

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Koru and Kowhaiwhai


In class for Topic, we're learning about Koru's and Kowhaiwhai. For a task, we had to research about them. And talking about What, Why, and How. Here is my description!

Koru's are used for symbolizing things. It is also used for decoration. As well as it being a integral symbol in Maori art, carvings, and tattoos. The Kowhaiwhai is used for decorations in Maori meeting houses (Wharenui). 

The Koru is used by it being a decoration, as well as it symbolizing something. It also can be used as Maori art, carvings, and tattoos. For the Kowhaiwhai, it can be used by others painting the design in Maori meeting houses. The kowhaiwhai can also be used for carvings, like on boats, and other objects. 

I hope you learnt a bit about the Koru and Kowhaiwhai. 

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Cipher Wheel!


In class we've been learning about something called Cipher Wheels. This relates to our topic theme, which is Pirates. 

Cipher wheels are something that Pirates used, and still do use sometimes. Pirates are actually still around today, and use Cipher Wheels.

Since we were learning about Cipher Wheels, we got the chance to make our own Cipher Wheels. With our Cipher Wheels, we had to come up with a code. We had to be in pairs, and once we've made our code. We'd get a Crunchie bar each, and hide it. For your Cipher Wheel code, we made the code where to go to find the Crunchie bars.

The actual use of these Cipher Wheels are for using when you need to mail someone something. Like a lock, but a bit more complicated. People/Pirates would make their code, and make the code that. They'd mail away the Cipher wheel with the box and the item inside it. Once the other person would receive the box with the Cipher wheel code, there would also be the code that they had to translate to the real code. 

How the Cipher wheel works, is you'd have to choose one letter, and a number (Not J or Q). For example, my number thing was M15. With that number letter thing, you would have to put M and 15 together. Then, with the random numbers for the code, you would find that number and look at the letter above it. Then, you should have the letter of your sentence. Also, normally for people/Pirates that actually use Cipher codes, both each use that secret number letter thing every time. And they don't tell anyone except for each other.

After you'd complete the code, you would put the code that you figured out in. Then, the box would open and you'd get the letter/item inside the box.

The people/Pirates mainly used the Cipher wheels, so no one knew what was inside the box/what the letter said.

Here is my Cipher wheel if you wanna know what it looks like!:

What I found easy: I found it easy to creat the Cipher wheel, because it was fun. And we got to be creative with it.

What I found hard: I found it hard to create the code and figure out how to create one, because I did the code the wrong way 2 times. So it was a bit confusing.

Monday, 29 June 2020

Jesus' Baptism | RE

For RE, we are learning about the Holy Spirit. And how the Holy Spirit came down from Heaven, and God had said that Jesus is his Son.

So we had to learn about this, and then do a DLO. I decided to make a news paper report. Using Newspaper Generator. It was very easy and simple to use. And it looks realistic. We had to pretend that we were there, watching Jesus get baptized. And tell how it was and list information about Jesus' baptism. And God saying that Jesus is his son.

Here is my news paper report I made:

I don't think I found anything hard. I found this work pretty simple and understanding.

Something I found enjoyable/easy was writing the news paper report. Because I got to make my own news paper report with the information I know.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Holy Spirit

How I can be the Holy Spirit

For RE we're learning about the Holy Spirit. And our task is to blog how we can be the Holy Spirit. We had to also find a title or image of the holy spirit.

So here's how I can be the Holy Spirit,
I can be the Holy Spirit by doing what's right. Not putting people down, and being nice to others. Being a believer of God and Jesus. Making others feel like they are safe in life. And not putting people down. Also, during this corona virus pandemic. Staying safe and using self distancing has been something that can make me be like the Holy Spirit.

As I was looking for my imagine, I wanted something that represents the Holy Spirit properly. So I searched up images of the Holy Spirit. There was many choices, but I picked this one. I just picked this one because I liked the look of it, and I think it represents the Holy Spirit a lot in my opinion.

My image that represents the Holy Spirit,

Something I found hard about this was thinking of what to write, because it was a bit confusing. But I took my time and wrote how I can really be the Holy Spirit.

Something I found easy to do was finding my image because there was lots of choices of the Holy Spirit. But I ended up picking a image of the Holy Spirit that I liked.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Pōhā - Reading DLO

For Reading this week, my group's learning about Pōhā.

Pōhā is a container thing that stores food. For my DLO I added 3 text boxes that have information about Pōhā. And then I added a video about Pōhā that helps you learn about what it is.

I think Pōhā is a fun thing to create and use because it helps out a lot with being a container to store food.

Here's my DLO I made about Pōhā:

Someone I struggled on was finding information about how Pōhā had impact on early M
āori's lives.

Something I found quite easy was finding information about the actual 
Pōhā itself.

Hope you learnt a few things about P
ōhā, bye!

Friday, 12 June 2020

My Week..!

This Week of School
Lately in class people have been going off and getting really mad. So our teacher, Ms Wilton. Thought it would be fun and calming to do some fun activities. But this main thing was a cafe. A cafe called the CERR Cafe. 

At the Cafe we had different things we could order. But you had to save up tokens to buy the items you want. For example, if the teacher saw you doing something good, she'd give you a CERR token for you showing Compassion, Excellence, Responsibility or Respect.

So far I've got 2 tokens, and having got anything. There's this one prize where you get to go out for lunch with Mr Norman. But for that price, you have to save up to 20 tokens.

There also were fruit of the holy spirit cut out with different words on them, like goodness, and if you're showing "goodness" you will get that fruit that says goodness on it. And from the CERR Cafe, you can get ANYTHING from there with the cut out fruit. (By the way, the fruit isn't real. It's just laminated paper with a word on it)

We had the CERR Cafe area, and the CERR Cafe courtyard (aka the cloak bay). But those were for the year 8's only. So they could be chilled and getting ready for high school. But we also had the CERR Clubhouse, which anyone is aloud in. 

Also for the CERR Cafe, there was workers (Aka year 8's). The jobs at the cafe were: 2 Cookers, a Cashier and a Cleaner!
The foods we could buy with our tokens were: toast (1 CERR Token) and Lollies (5 CERR Tokens). There was also some free foods which were: Cereal, Nuts and Bars. If you were hungry, you could ask for them for free. The drinks there were was: Hot chocolate, and you could add on marshmallows, (2 marshmallows for 2 CERR Tokens)

If you wanted to go to those places, you had to put yourself on wherever your going. (We made little sticks that look like us, and when we wanna move somewhere else that's calmer we can move there. But we just have to ask the teacher and move our stick) 
We could also go to different class rooms instead of staying in Room 6 if it got a bit heated. But once again you just have to ask, then move your stick.

We got back into learning a bit more, but still had the CERR Cafe open, the fun activities, etc. But with the fun activities we had to start relating it to our learning. Like Reading. Sometimes people still got mad and went off, but they tried to keep their cool.

Overall, this was a fun thing to do for people to calm down, and enjoy their time. And do stuff for their "emotional well being".
I hope you enjoyed me talking about what's happened this week,

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Across the Giants | Pick a Path Story

hi! during lock down we were put in writing groups. And we had to create some pick a path stories. So I started creating my pick a path story, and here's how it turned out.

A pick a path story is where there's a part for each scene, you either pick to do this in the story or do that in the story. For example, in my story you can trust the gnome and ask it to help you, or choose not to.

For my story, I based it off about a fairy that needed help crossing grump giants. I hope you enjoy my story, comment what you think I should've added! As I was creating my work, here's some thinks I found hard and easy.

- I found it hard to create the form and get all my information. Since we had to put it on a doc as well, it was a bit confusing to copy the information on my form and doc.

- I found it hard to come up with ideas, since I had to have many ideas for every option. And there were like almost 20 options or something, so I had to come up with around 15 ideas.

- I found it easy to come up with characters etc.

- I found it easy to start the story.

Thanks for reading :)

Monday, 18 May 2020

How to Become More Like Jesus

hi! for our RE task we had to create a DLO, about ways how to become more like Jesus.

In RE for our tasks we've been learning how to use all these types of DLO'S.

- Biteable
- A Slideshow
- Piktochart
- Prezi 

I decided to use Biteable because it's pretty creative and simple. It's easy to use and there's so many theme choices!

Here is my Biteable about how to become more like Jesus

How to Become More Like Jesus on Biteable.

Monday, 23 March 2020

Maori Title Meanings - RE

  WALT Identify how Jesus is Mātāmua and Tuakana

In class, we are learning about Mātāmua and Tuakana. We had a task to create a DLO about some Maori Titles that mean something. We had to google up the definition of these Maori Titles, and explain what it means in english. And what the definition of the word is.

For my DLO, I did a slideshow. For my slideshow I listen an explanation for each Maori Title.

Here's my slideshow!

I found it hard that I couldn't find a sound app to say my meanings, because the sound apps couldn't pronounce the Maori Titles.

I found it quite easy to search up the Maori Titles and write down a explanation.

Friday, 20 March 2020

Family Roles and Times - RE

In Class recently, for ReligiousEducation we've been learning about different roles and times people have! As a class, on the mat our teacher, Ms Wilton was teaching us about Tuakana (elders) and our Matamua (first born). For this activity, we had to write down the roles for our own familys! For example what my roles are for times in the days. Like one of the times was at school, and at school my role was to be a role model! For my slide, I did my whole family's roles and times.

Take a look at my family's Roles and Times!!


Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Number line group stratergy!!

WALT Using number lines

This week for maths, my group has been learning about 
equations like ? + 27 = 49. We used a number line to figure out what the "?" equals. Since we've been learning lots about these type of math equations, our group task was to create a DLO explaining how to use the our group stratergy. For my DLO I did a slide to to display my stratergy and information on.


My DLO..!

Hope this helped you learn my group strategy! 

ANZAC Mascots - Reading

WALT Think critically when looking at information in different texts.

In class, I've been learning a lot about ANZAC. So our task for reading this week, was to gather all the information we could get about what ANZAC Mascots are used for in war. After I found lots of information about the mascots, I made a DLO with information about what ANZAC Mascots are used for!!

Here is my ANZAC Mascot DLO



After I finished my DLO, my next task was to create my own ANZAC Mascot that would be good help in war. I chose to combine a Kangaroo with a Dog..

Here's my mascot!!

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Religious Education - Maximilian Kolbe

WALT Recognize how Jesus' work of bringing God's saving love caused him to suffer and die.    

For RE I've been learning about a man called Maximilian Kolbe. This man was in  WW2 for 6 years. He was a priest at a church. The task was to create a DLO gathering all the information I found. So I decided to create a Voki. 

(Voki is a site where it's got both 2 sences, see and hear. There is a character and you write in the text box your information. You can also record your voice instead of doing the characters voice.)


We had some questions we had to answer on our Voki.. So here's the questions I had to answer in my DLO!

Who was he?
What was his cause?
Who did he upset and why?
How did his work of love lead him to death?

This is my Voki where I answered those questions with the information I gathered!!

Friday, 6 March 2020

Writing - The ANZAC Violin - My Diary Entry

WALT Use descriptive language

In class we've been reading a story called "The ANZAC Violin". For writing our task was to write a diary entry. 

A guy named Alexander Aitken was a student who had been in the war during 1915. A friend of his gifted him a violin, when he was in the war, he had this violin with him. 

When he died, the school he went to took the violin. And it is now on display at his school, Otago Boys High School. 

Before he died, he wrote a diary. And we read his diary entry, and the class thought it was a bit boring. So we have been making our on diary entries, and we came up with a chart of descriptive words to use for our diary entries.


This is my diary entry..!

As I lay deadly, wounded on the ground. The sounds of blood dripping off me silently, I cry to myself. In pain. 

The foggy wind surrounds my body. As I hear bones breaking, I touch my violin and play a string. 

All I hear is painful screams, and loud booming explosions dropping from dusty rotten bomber plains, louder than the loudest string of my violin. 

I can hear soldiers tip toeing by me as I crawl around sluggishly. 

I slowly blink and see soldiers hiding in bushes. I look up, and get blinded by the flashing gun shots. I blink slowly again, as my eyes water from the foggy wind. My fingers are numb, and I shiver.  

As I see rancid dead people, I crawl to a cave. And I lay in a warm, comfortable spot quietly. And take deep breaths.