
Wednesday 17 June 2020

Holy Spirit

How I can be the Holy Spirit

For RE we're learning about the Holy Spirit. And our task is to blog how we can be the Holy Spirit. We had to also find a title or image of the holy spirit.

So here's how I can be the Holy Spirit,
I can be the Holy Spirit by doing what's right. Not putting people down, and being nice to others. Being a believer of God and Jesus. Making others feel like they are safe in life. And not putting people down. Also, during this corona virus pandemic. Staying safe and using self distancing has been something that can make me be like the Holy Spirit.

As I was looking for my imagine, I wanted something that represents the Holy Spirit properly. So I searched up images of the Holy Spirit. There was many choices, but I picked this one. I just picked this one because I liked the look of it, and I think it represents the Holy Spirit a lot in my opinion.

My image that represents the Holy Spirit,

Something I found hard about this was thinking of what to write, because it was a bit confusing. But I took my time and wrote how I can really be the Holy Spirit.

Something I found easy to do was finding my image because there was lots of choices of the Holy Spirit. But I ended up picking a image of the Holy Spirit that I liked.

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