
Friday 17 August 2018

Bob and The Samurai

W.a.l.t: Create a story around a tiger and a Samurai.

Bob and The Samurai

I was in bed with my pet cat Bob. We were in a very deep sleep until my bed turned into water and we fell into a random grey lake. We swam out of the lake. We noticed I had been turned into a Samurai with a long sharp golden sword. Bob had turned into a giant Red Tiger with black and white stripes. He had giant sharp teeth. I couldn’t hold him, I couldn’t sleep with him anymore he was to big and heavy. Suddenly a screen came out of a watch on my wrist. There was a Samurai that looked like me but he had a black sword.
He said “Hello Jake, I am Marc”.
“Wait how do you know my name” I whispered.
“I have been planning this day for years” Marc Said. “Why am I here, Where am I?” I said. “You are here to save the world from a evil witch” Marc yelled. “Wait what no way” I shouted.
“Yes sorry” Marc cried.  
“Fine but what is my reward?” I asked.
“You will get to live with other Samurais, And Bob will get to live with a group of Samurai Tigers” Marc said proudly.
“Awesome i’ll do it” I said excitedly.
“Fantastic, Go save the world Jacob” Said Marc happily.
“Don’t worry we will” I said proudly.

2 years later…

I have been training for ages now. Today is the day I saved the world from the evil witch. She seemed hard to beat. The witch was there in front of me. She hit me with her witch stick. I chopped her witch stick in half with my Samurai Sword. She let out her evil cry. I hit her with my Sword. Her evil soul let out. Me and my tiger got our reward. I got to live with a group of Samurais. Bob got to live with a group of Samurai Tigers.


  1. Hey Mya,
    What a great and creative story, what gave you the idea to write it? I really like the part when Marc said that he had been planning this day for years. It made your story have a timeline.
    I wonder if Bob will ever see Jacob again? It would make me sad to live somewhere without my pet!

  2. Thank you for the nice feed back. I got the idea from a picture. It would make me sad if I had to live without my pet too! I think Bob will see Jacob again in the future for another battle. Do you think I could work on anything else?

    1. I think you could make a more interesting hook to begin your story maybe. Like use onomatopoeia or more descriptive words.

    2. I will definitely make sure to add that next time.


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